Be careful what you believe. Remember, Israel is God's chosen and blessed nation and the Jews are the apple of God's eye. People who make a living speaking against all that the Bible tells us about Israel have a frightening agenda, and it's NOT called peace. God gave Israel the land, and for the sake of peace, Israel gave much of it back to the true occupiers.So, if someone comes to your church and tells you Israel is the trouble maker, don't be quick to believe. Israel is a nation beset because of her own failure to repent and turn to Jesus as Savior, but she is NOT an occupier in the sense the Palestinians are making out. Israel is occupying the land because GOD gave it to the Jews.
Pray for Israel, the peace of Jerusalem and the return of all lands back to the ones GOD chose to live there.
Read this article presented in Olive Tree Ministry and see what's going around out there that is totally opposite what God said.