Ephesians Introduction
In my Spirit Filled NKJV Bible, it tells me that Ephesians is the epistle that “unveils” the mystery of the church like no other. It says there are three intentions in this book, and they are:
1- To form a body that expresses Christ’s fullness on earth. (1:15-23).
2- To do this by uniting Jews and gentiles into one body among whom God Himself dwells (2:11; 3:7).
3- To equip, empower, and mature this people to the end that they extend Christ’s victory over evil (3:10-20; 6:12-20).
The message in the Book of Ephesians is that we are to praise God’s glory. The word glory occurs 8 times in this book, and refers to God’s excellence in love, wisdom and power. We will see how Jesus promised to build a mature, ministering church, “...not having spot, or wrinkle” (5:27).
The various ministries of the Holy Ghost are also revealed in Ephesians. We see here how He works in and through Christians. Let’s list the things He does:
1- In 1:13, He is the Sealer, authorizing believers to represent Christ.
2- In 1:17; 3:5 He is the Revealer, enlightening the heart to perceive God’s purpose.
3- In 3:16 He is the One Who was given power by Jesus to strengthen us within.
4- In 4:3, 4, He is The Spirit of Unity desiring to maintain peace in the 
body of Christ.
5- In 4:30 He is the Spirit of Holiness who can be grieved by sin.
6- In 5:18 He is the Fountain from which we are filled continuously.
7- In 6:17, 18 He is the Giver of the Word as a sword for battle, and the heavenly assisstant given to help us in prayer and intercession.
Ephesians also uncovers our heavenly wealth. It teaches us that we don’t need to be without when Jesus has given us everything we need if we will only claim it in His name. We have things like salvation, adoption, redemption, forgiveness, wisdom, the seal of the Holy Spirit, eternal life and grace to bless us each day. In other words, we have access to every spiritual blessing by the power of the Spirit of God.
Some ancient manuscripts do not include the words, at Ephesus in 1:1. Instead, this is considered by many to be what’s called a circular letter meant to make the rounds of all the churches in the Lycus Valley. Among those churches would be Ephesus, Colosse, Laodicea, and Hierapolis. The reason they believe this is that no problems or controversies in a particular church were mentioned. Another theory is that the letter was written to the Ephesians, but in a benign way that could help all the churches that were being tempted into sin by the Gnostics, and by their own flesh.
In Ephesians, the phrase “in Christ” is spoken 35 times in one way or another. We are either referred to as in Christ, through Christ, in the Beloved, and in Him, to name a few.