Keep Looking To Heaven
As I looked up to Heaven.....
The clouds parted and there He stood.
In the midst of the clouds,
Just like He said He would.
Behind and around Him were a host
of angels, all white and glowing.
My heart was exploding.......
I'm ready!.....I'm ready!.....I'm going!
Many were going, now made whole...
Who once were lame, sick, deaf or blind.
But I also knew that too many,
would be left behind.
I prayed that my family was ready
and they'd be going too.
I also prayed for my friends,
friends like all of you.
I prayed for all of them throughout my life,
telling them what they had to do.To repent
of their sin and ask Jesus into their heart,
.......So, Have you?.......
It was a glorious scene to behold,
and we'd soon be walking on streets of gold.
Then lightening flashed, thunder clapped,
a storm was coming, or so it did seem.
My heart was pounding, I awoke with a start,
It was only a dream..........
Now, I ask you, are you ready,
When Jesus parts the clouds above?
Have you accepted His free gift of salvation,
that He offers to you, with love?
If not, please bow your head right now and pray.
Tomorrow may be too late so do it today!
Emily Boeve ©