Jesus is Bigger Than Cigarettes
Rose M. Hess
I had asthma and had trouble breathing, but could not stop smoking. I would go to bed at night, and say, "All right, I'm not going to smoke tomorrow." All that did was make me want to smoke more when I got up.
I was using Bronkaid Mist to help me breathe because my breathing was so bad. I still could not stop smoking, I would beg the Lord to take the smoking away, and then I would take it back. I was just a mess.
Finally I'd had enough and I told the Lord I could not do this myself, if He wanted me in an iron lung because I could not breathe that's what was going to happen. I also told Him I would not have anything to do with my time but bug Him while in the aforementioned iron lung. I told God I was giving the smoking addiction to Him and I did. Every time I thought about quitting, I would say, "The peace of God which passes all understanding,shall keep my heart and mind through Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:7). When I lit a cigarette, or whenever thoughts of quitting came, or when the devil said, "You are not going to be able to stop smoking," I just repeated that Bibl verse. I'm not sure how long this went on, but I refused to take it back.
In the middle of July I got a terrible cold. I had to use the one of those sprays that would numb the throat so that I could smoke. I remember this like it was yesterday. I was leaning over the filing cabinet putting files away. I heard this voice in my head, and He said, "When your cold goes away your desire for cigarettes with go also." I was alone in the office, but I know I heard that voice. I looked around to be sure no one was there, then I sat down and had a cigarette. I think I was in shock.
That happened on Friday. By Monday my cold was gone and so was my desire for cigarettes. I had no withdrawal symptoms or increase in eating; nothing. It was a pure miracle from God. It was because I gave it to Him and did not take it back. I have not smoked since.
Anyone who says there are no miracles today is so wrong. You just have to let God handle things for you because you are not strong enough to do them yourself. When you give your addiction to God, don't take it back, because He doesn't need any help.